Our Subdivision

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See us on Google Maps ( link:  Double Arrow on Google Maps)


The Double Arrow Ranch subdivision is a rural residential subdivision consisting of 7 phases and 736 individual lots located in the picturesque Seeley-Swan Valley between the Swan and Mission mountain ranges.

Phase IA:                82 Lots

Phase III:                58 Lots

Phase IV:                266 Lots

Phase V:                 35 Lots

Phase VI:                160 Lots (Trail Creek Addition)

Phase VII:               110 Lots (Drew Creek Addition)

Phase VIII:              25 Lots (Trail Creek East Addition)

The subdivision has approximately 28 miles of roads and 148 acres of common area. DARLOA holds title to 10 parcels of common areas located in Phases IA, VI, VII and VIII. Drew Creek Park is owned by the County, but part of DARLOA. The Google Map of Double Arrow Ranch (above) highlights the various common areas and provides a brief description.


DARLOA is a homeowners’ association (HOA) created by the developers of the Double Arrow Ranch subdivision. The purpose of the Association is to manage the business affairs and enforce the Covenants and Bylaws of the subdivision through a 7-member Board (BOD) elected by the members. Each director serves a three-year term. Elections are managed by the Election commission (EC). Officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers are elected by the Board following the Annual Meeting of Members.

The Board of Directors is assisted in its duties by a variety of committees. The BOD and Committee Members are volunteers and receive no compensation for their services. There are three mandatory committees – Architectural Control (ACC), Fire Safety, and Roads. Other committees include Parks and Resources, Hospitality, and Communications.

The BOD manages road maintenance and common areas through committees.  Funds for Double Arrow Ranch Land Owners’ Association (DARLOA) operations and maintenance requirements come from the landowners through annual assessments. 
The BOD prepares an annual budget based upon fixed costs and submission of projects and associated cost estimates from each committee.  The BOD reviews budget submissions, prepares a final budget and presents the budget and assessments for the upcoming year prior to the Annual Meeting of Landowners, typically held at the end of August.

DARLOA is a 501(c)4 corporation and is therefore also governed by county, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to non-profit corporations.